Media Interview Tips & Tricks

May 21, 2019

When working with the media, it’s inevitable that someone will want to interview you at some point to learn more about you and your brand. Having a great media interview is a crucial step in securing positive and rewarding coverage from the media. With that in mind,our public relationsexperts at Bolt PR hav ecompiled five tips and tricks for your next media interview that will make the process simple, smooth and beneficial for you and your brand.

Be prepared!

When gearing up for a media interview, make sure you’re as

preparedas possible.Ahead of the interview, read through the previous work the interviewer has written to get a feel for what they're interested in and how it relates to your brand. It can also help to write out potential questions they might ask you in the interview, so you can have answers and specific points in mind. Additionally, you can make note of any key messaging you want to incorporate. If the interview is in person, bring any informational materials necessary to provide more context for the interviewer.

Practice makes perfect!

Before the media interview, take some time to do a few practice interviews to get ready. Find a colleague who can ask you the questions at random and practice talking through your answers in a conversational format. As you practice more and more, you’ll grow more comfortable speaking about your brand and background.

Confidence is key.

While it can feel intimidating being interviewed about yourself or your brand, showing confidence can make all the difference. Speak clearly and confidently as you answer questions. If it’s in-person or for television, make sure your body language exudes confidence by sitting up straight and making eye contact. Let your confidence show the media that not only are you a spokesperson for your brand, but also a great resource for the media.

You’re on record.

When meeting with anyone from the media, remember that any part of your conversation is on record, unless otherwise stated. Make sure that all of your statements are true to your brand and yourself as a representative. If the media ask you a question that you’re not comfortable with, your PR representative can step in to move the conversation along.

Have fun!

When it’s all said and done, have some fun! Interviews are excellentopportunities to getyour brand in front of not only the media but all of their readers or viewers.With PR offices in Dallas, Orange County, Pittsburgh and Raleigh, our Bolt PR team has a local footprint with a national reach for maximum impact. If you're ready to start the conversation about what a public relations partner can do to help grow your brand, contact us.

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