Bolt Trend Report - Week of Nov. 9

November 8, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone! Last week was a long one, but we all made it through in (mostly) one piece. Now, it’s time to take a deep breath, ease your shoulders and take a moment to de-stress. Ready? Now it’s time to look ahead to what’s happening and prepare yourself for this week!

Upcoming Holidays & Observances

  • Veterans Day – Nov. 11
  • National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day – Nov. 15
  • Followed swiftly by National Fast Food Day on Nov. 16
  • Thaw Day – Nov. 19
  • We’ll tell you all about this below!
  • Thanksgiving – Nov. 26

Trends You Should Know

  • Plant-based options are planned to become menu staples at McDonald’s across the globe! The fast food chain is testing its line of meat-free burgers and chicken substitutes, appropriately named the “McPlant line,” in several markets next year. 
  • Reuters reported today that an experimental COVID-19 vaccine that Pfizer has been testing is more than 90% effective, based on initial trial results. While still in its initial stages, the results are a big win for the pharmaceutical company. With this good news, Pfizer will most likely look to receive U.S. authorization for emergency use of the vaccine as early as this month. If it’s granted, they could potentially release up to 50 million doses this year – that’s enough to help protect around 25 million people. Our fingers are crossed!
  • You’re probably a bit confused about what Thaw Day is on Thursday, Nov. 19. With smaller gatherings and less people traveling, there are planned to be a lot of first-time turkey cookers this year. This increase is going to put a toll on hotline workers at Butterball and Jennie-O’s, who spend the days leading up to and on Thanksgiving giving out tips to chefs around the country. So, they’re giving out tips a bit early this year and their biggest one? Celebrate Thaw Day and move your frozen turkey to the fridge on Thursday, Nov. 19 to ensure your bird isn’t an ice cube on Thanksgiving day!

We hope you have an amazing rest of your week and we’ll see you back on the blog next Monday!

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